Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's just one of those days.

okay okay.. just a quick post while I'm on a lunch break. I promise that this weekend I will make some kind of post with at least one photo, but this will have to do for now.

Atom: He is doing well. He's a little sleep viking. I really can't get over how cute this kid can be. He got the chance to come in and see where I work. I don't think there was one person who got by him without exclaiming how cute he is. The spaced themed pajamas he was wearing was of some help, but it's not like he needed any. Other than that I think it's just the same old same old for him, eat-poop-sleep-repeat.

Darbie: She is doing well. She has gotten the hang of taking Atom places. I'm really glad to see that she can get around and is not cooped up in our house all day unless she so desires.

Me: Well, I feel like a could use a vacation. Nah, just kidding. Work is good. The only complaint I had within this last week would have been the guy who flicked his cigarette into the air vent of my car during rush hour traffic. My advice to this guy: "don't yell at someone, then expect them to let you into their lane... also, yelling please might help." And just to note, I did get his description and call the local police to report him.

Anyways that's about it from our camp. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the weather where you are! Take care.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

About to get kicked out of a coffee shop

Yay! we made it two weeks! As far as we can tell he doesn't hate us. At least not yet. Haha.

Also, We are pretty sure he is already used to camera flashes. Yup barely flinches.

How is baby? He is good, still holding onto all that hair, which is wonderful. He has started regularly leaving the house and going out into the world, (my how they grow!) Today in fact we took him down to the Saturday market and I got to carry him around in the sling that fits me. SOOOOO many people were stopping us and asking about him. Probably the closest to being a celebrity I've felt like in a while. Oh, for everyone who has been asking about the hats that Darbie posted a while back, (the kit ones with the little bill), We found a gal at the market that sells them at a much more affordable price, but still keeping in the quality. So we would be happy to take hat donations if you were thinking about getting one of these for us. This way we can support our local artisans and their work.

Great-Grandma Sandy & Great-Grandpa Bud both came to visit today. It was nice to see them. It really means a lot to Darbie and I that you have all taken time out of your lives to make the trek to see us. Near or far it means so much to us, and to Atom. Also on that note, everyone who think that bringing us food only made our lives a little easier are wrong. This has been a gigantic help. I know that just for myself, being able to come home from work and be able to spend time with the family rather than making food is a true gift, so thank you.

This is Great-Grandma holding Atom.

Darb and Atom have found a niche with their sleeping. Darbie has what seems like a sixth sense with him and wakes up and starts Atom feeding before he can even cry. Sometimes I don't even wake up. It's really pretty amazing.

Tomorrow we are set to meet with Pam, our midwife. We have total confidence that everything will go smoothly. Atom seems to be back up to his birth weight now. He sports the cutest little gut. I will have a to post a picture next time, I'm sure you will agree.

Darbie wanted me to put in about how on friday Atom must have been feeling vindictive, Durring a diaper change, (which was a mess in itself), then before a new diaper got on he started peeing, so darbie had to cover him with a blanket, she figured at this point she would just give him a bath. But on the way to the bathroom wrapped in a clean towel he pooped. The little guy likes going when he is not wearing his diaper.

In non-baby news: Darbie got a new tattoo this week. It's a little drawing that an artist did for us while we were on our honeymoon in Seattle at the comic-con. I myself managed to find a guitar hero guitar at goodwill of all places, man was that a steal, brand new in box!

Monday, August 11, 2008

The time has come!

On the perfect night of August 9th, 2008... quite near 8:12 pm. A life was brought into the world. Atom Christopher Andrew Versoza was born to us, 9 lbs. & 20 in. He shares birthday with Sam Elliott, Gillian Anderson and David Steinberg just to name a few. Also in in 1944 the US forestry service used the Smokey the Bear posters for the first time. History on your day my son, History!

But, back to the baby, He is absolutely perfect. He has a little hair and the cutest smirks. Well, I guess maybe I should just show him to you...

This picture is from this morning. We gave him his first bath to clean him all up. He is a little grumpy because he had to go without being clothed, (he hates that so far).

The Birth went amazing. I won't put a bunch of pictures of that up because we don't need those pictures floating around the internet yet. But Atom has been sooo good. He hasn't been too fussy. We really have been incredibly lucky.

Here is mama and the baby. So far the last couple nights he has slept really well through the night, only waking up a couple times. He has been really patient with Darbie and I while we try to figure out how to do this parenting stuff.

He has had a couple visitors so far and is very excited to meet his family, and we are very excited to show him off... But I guess we need to get down some of those basic needs things. So keep us in your thoughts, and thank you all for reading and being patient while we updated again.

Love from the Versoza's.

Mikee, Darbie & Atom. <3

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pictures of Mama

Here is a picture taken 7/26/08:

And another taken today, 8/3/08:

That's it, see... no baby out yet, but any day now!


Geocache adventure!

Today, Darbie, Atom (still in mama's tummy), and I drove up to West Linn to meet with the Versoza Grandparents for a little outdoors trek. We were out geocaching, and for those who don't know what Geocaching is, simply put: "Geocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game in which the participants use a GPS receiver or other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers (called "geocaches" or "caches") anywhere in the world. A typical cache is a small waterproof container containing a logbook and "treasure," usually toys or trinkets of little value." (thanks to wikipedia for that definition)

We went out with 3 locations, found one, gave up on one (a lot of hills for our group), and one was out of our area, (lunch became a bigger goal at this point).

Here is a picture of the one we found, full of trinkets:

It was a lot of fun and we ended up having a great time tromping through the wilderness, and what a great day for it too.

-Till next time!