Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's just one of those days.

okay okay.. just a quick post while I'm on a lunch break. I promise that this weekend I will make some kind of post with at least one photo, but this will have to do for now.

Atom: He is doing well. He's a little sleep viking. I really can't get over how cute this kid can be. He got the chance to come in and see where I work. I don't think there was one person who got by him without exclaiming how cute he is. The spaced themed pajamas he was wearing was of some help, but it's not like he needed any. Other than that I think it's just the same old same old for him, eat-poop-sleep-repeat.

Darbie: She is doing well. She has gotten the hang of taking Atom places. I'm really glad to see that she can get around and is not cooped up in our house all day unless she so desires.

Me: Well, I feel like a could use a vacation. Nah, just kidding. Work is good. The only complaint I had within this last week would have been the guy who flicked his cigarette into the air vent of my car during rush hour traffic. My advice to this guy: "don't yell at someone, then expect them to let you into their lane... also, yelling please might help." And just to note, I did get his description and call the local police to report him.

Anyways that's about it from our camp. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the weather where you are! Take care.



Unknown said...

haha sleep viking indeed!

Sharon Braaten said...

Oh congratulations Mike and Darby. Sandy sent me the photo and I am delighted to see Atom and know that you are all well.

Please keep me posted of everything!!!

Loving you bunches
Aunt Sharon