Wednesday, September 3, 2008

if you eat a hot pocket cold, is it still a hot pocket?

So I was really sure that I would have something fun to post about last weekend. Don't get me wrong, We had a really great weekend, just nothing out of the ordinary happened ya know? So I'm sorry that I didn't post over the weekend, even though I promised.

So, what is new then?

Atom: It seems that he is trying to smile. It's fun to catch him taking naps. You can tell when he is dreaming about eating which is fun. But sometimes, just barely, it looks like he is trying to smile. Goofy kid.

Darbie: She is doing really well. I think she is tired, which is to be expected. Atom has been crying almost routinely every evening. Last night we took a drive before he could start and that seemed to help. Darbie also is trying to make him go to bed earlier, which is hard on her because I know she wants to stay up, but probably also needs the sleep.

Mikee: Me? you don't want to know about me... you do? okay. fine. Things are good for me. My recent mantra has been: "stay busy"... maybe mantra isn't the best word. Maybe it's just a voice haunting me... Overall, everything is good. Oh, and I might be getting a tattoo tonight!

let's see. Wrapping things up... Next weekend is a wedding, weekend after that is Versoza great-grandparents, weekend after that is portland pirate festival, (look for the cutest baby pirate, he will be with us), the weekend after that is when we will most likely be taking our first professional family photo! So there you go, a little glimpse into the future. If I can control it, your next story on here will have photos of something. Take care everyone.

<3 - Mikee

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